This is an unusual post for me. Usually I figure out what I want to say, write it out in a Word document, play with it endlessly, then transfer it into the blog. Tonight, I'm writing directly into the blog. Not doing a lot of editing, but wanting to get some things off my mind. I'm talking about the attack in Boston yesterday.
Everyone was shocked and saddened, and angry. And that's my point. The good people outnumber the bad. It's very easy at times like this to jump to an ugly place and be full of hate.
We don't have room in our world for fear-mongering and intolerance. There is enough hate and misunderstanding already. Let's not jump to assumptions about who did this. The law enforcement will hopefully find and arrest the right party or parties responsible, even though that won't bring back the ones who died, nor erase the trauma of the survivors. I'm seeing a lot of propaganda out there right now that discourages me... assumptions being made that may do more harm than good.
No matter who did this, they are clearly in the minority. The world is not a more dangerous place because of people and acts like this. It is a more dangerous place because of the fear, suspicion, and hate engendered by people believe that people are inherently evil. Time and time again this has been shown to be the case.
At this point, I am choosing to focus on what is good and right in this world: the people who are outraged and sad about the attack are good people or they wouldn't care. People rushed in to help, not knowing what they were rushing into and if they would come out alive. Funds have been set up to help those impacted, and thoughts and well-wishes have poured in from all over the globe. Tributes are being paid, and support to the community of Boston is coming from all directions. This demonstrates the basic good of humankind. The act of horror against innocent people has provoked grief and outrage, and that gives me hope. Apathy is a very scary thing.
Let's not let this terrorist win. Let's open our arms and our hearts to others, and keep loving, and keep doing good. In the long run, it matters less who committed this act than how we respond to it. If we lose our faith in others, then it has been a victory for the terrorist. It takes away his/her power when we move forward, continue to breathe freely and love one another. Yes, there is sadness, and righteous anger. But we can't let that define us.
Just like with Sandy Hook, with Columbine, with 9/11, and so many other sad events, let's hold fast to hope and kindness. Let the good prevail, and love will win. Love always wins, and peace will prevail.